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Maysville Public School



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23-24 Bus Routes

Maysville Public School

2023-2024 Bus Routes

Due to limited drivers, there are designated bus stops across town. Buses will leave the bus barn each morning at 6:55 am. There will be a designated Town route for (PM) drop-offs. Bus #8 will transport all in-town students during the afternoon. Bus # 4 will travel south & west out-of-town and Bus #3 will transport north & east out-of-town for the afternoon routes. Pick-up and drop-off times will fluctuate based upon who rides. Please be understanding if the district only has one driver available. If that occurs, the routes will take much longer to complete. Students will not be counted tardy if they are late to school due to unavailable drivers.

Bus 3.pdf

Bus 4.pdf

Bus 8 (pm).pdf